HSC Breakfast

Dear parents and carers,

Only one sleep to go until HSC results are available! I imagine there is a mix of excitement and nerves at that thought, for parents, carers and students.

Just a reminder that we have our 'Year 12 HSC Breakfast' on Thursday 15 December 2022. Please encourage all students to come, it is a great chance to catch up with staff and friends. 

If you have not already done so, please pass the following information on to graduates:

Event: Year 12 HSC Breakfast

Date: Thursday 15 December 2022

Time: 8:30AM - 10AM

Directions: Enter via the front gate and head up the eastern stairs to the Level 4 Cafe area.

Kind regards,

Pete Wilson

Deputy Principal

Marsden High School

Marsden High School
Address: 22a Winbourne St West Ryde NSW 2114
Phone: 02 9874 6544
Email: marsden-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: marsden-h.schools.nsw.gov.au

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